Plant Health

There are numerous visual cues that can indicate the overall health of your plants and shrubs. Understanding what to observe can help you identify potential problems.
Three major types of diseases affect plants: fungal, viral, and bacterial. Fungal diseases typically arise in hot, humid conditions and are identified by brown or reddish spots on leaves and flowers. Treatment options include the application of fungicides and regular trimming and pruning of affected areas.
Bacterial diseases also manifest as brown spots on leaves, but they develop from the stems or cuts on the leaves. While these diseases do not have a cure, chemical preventative measures can implemented to protect your plants.
Viral diseases present as yellow spots on leaves and are transmitted chemically. If a plant becomes infected, it may need to be removed. If you choose to trim it, be sure to sterilize your shears after each use to prevent the spread of the to other plants. Maintaining the health of your garden is essential.